Morocco wins the 2020 PUMed Philatelic Contest!On the 13th of July 2020, The Postal Union for the Mediterranean launched its new international contest on the occasion of its annual philatelic issue “The Traditional Mediterranean Gastronomy”.Almost 5100 votes have been registered from 47 countries from the 13th of July to the 13th of October 2020. Plebiscite as the first of the contest in 12 countries, second in 9 and thrid in other 1, the Maroccan stamp about « The tagine TAGRA » outstrips the other Maroccan stamp « The BISSARA » and the nice and original Lebanese bloc of 4 stamps « EUROMed Feuillet Special Edition 2020 » respectively second and third among the voters choice. To illustrate this theme, Poste Maroc has chosen to represent in this stamp the tagine “Tagra”, a fish dish, originally adopted fishermen, and subsequently by villagers in northwest Morocco. Cooked fish is mainly composed of sardines or anchovies. The dish is named after the leaded terracotta container, oval or round, with no lid. The Postal Union for the Mediterranean (PUMed) was established in Rome, on the 15th March 2011, by 14 Postal Operators across the Mediterranean Region under the Universal Postal Union (UPU) umbrella. Today, PUMed counts up to 23 members. It is mainly composed of designated operators which are members of two Restricted Unions:• Arab Permanent Postal Commission: (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic & Tunisia); • PostEurop: (Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey). Philately is a passion which historically promoted communications. Nowadays, in a digital age we constantly look for ways to redynamise it because there are still plenty of stamp fans all over the world! Eager to develop and to promote the products issued by its members within the union, the PUMed has significantly enriched its online universe since 2018 .« Internet is a place that allows us to transmit the passions that drive us » – for stamps fans and collectors, even if it might look like a strange new universe to some, it extends philatelist new worldwide communication vectors.Creation: Mohammed ELOUANTIPrinter : Philaposte – FrancePrinting: rotogravure Stamp format: 40 mm x 30 mmNumber of issuance: 50 000 items Facial value: 9 MAD (International)Poste Maroc.