من قطع التزوير اللطيفة، تلك المصنوعة باسلوب الelectrolysis

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عادة ما تصنع من نصفين ثم يتم لصقهما وملئ الفراغ بمعدن خفيف … اهم ما يميزها وجود اثار خط اللحام بين الشطرين … لا تنخدعوا وتظنوها تجربة دار سك او خطأ!

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Admin posts are a selection of news articles from different resources including but not limited to Clubs, associations, governmental authorities, etc. displaying news in relation to the Numismatics, Philately, Notaphily, Medals, and Historical documents and, relevant to the collecting hobbies. Articles have been collected from different websites and social media platforms and translated into Arabic.